Sunday, November 8, 2009

Classroom Summary

Summary of Nov. 5th/09 Day :1-2

In class this day we started out with a prayer. Then we discussed our GMail accounts, which everyone should have made by now, if not that is very important. Using our GMail accounts Mrs.Wall sent us a definition worksheet, which we all need to contribute to. In class, Mrs.Wall assigned us each a word, which we needed to have found the definition of and added it to the google docs. Next we received a notes worksheet on which we took notes from the board. This sheet can be accessed on moodle, and the notes you will have to get from a friend or fellow classmate. Then we were handed back a lot of work, which he organized into our portfolios. We got handed back:
- Lord of the flies acrostic
- scantron form previous test
- questions on the Lord of the flies movie
- questions on tradition
- beasts worksheet
- Golding vs. Yeats thesis statement
- Quiz on chap. 10 and 11

We then spent the rest of the class writing a paragraph on how symbolism reveals theme, in the lottery.

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