Sunday, November 8, 2009

Classroom Minutes for Nov. 5th 2009

English 11
Block 1-4

Today in class we talked about how to get a g-mail account. You should set one up as soon as possible if you do not already have one and to follow the blog, Euphonious 11. You can access it through moodle. You will need to have done this by Monday. The people in the class that already had a g-mail account were assigned a short story term to do online. As well, during class we were given a note template for the short story "The Lottery", which was what we read last day. We filled it out during class with the notes on the smart board. We did not have to write down the symbols since we already were given notes on them. Also, we updated out portfolio with work that was handed back. We also started writing a paragraph on the symbols within the short story "The Lottery" which we will continue writing next class.

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