Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Class Minutes

Today, we wrote down notes on "The Painted Door" and received a handout for notes on "The Japanese Quince". We also marked the thesis statements that compared and contrasted "The Lottery" and "The Japanese Quince". The class also had a small PowerPoint presentation on misplaced and dangling modifiers. For homework, we received a slip of paper which contained a sentence with either a misplaced modifier, or a dangling modifier. We are to draw what is written down in the sentence on the card provided, and write the sentence on the other side of the card.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Class Minutes

Today, we started with prayer. After prayer we had our quiz on the Painted Door. After marking the quizes we watched the movie version and filled out a worksheet comparing the movie to the short story and answer how the Painted Door connects to the unit theme of emotion vs. reason. We also received our multis and maps back and we have to mark thesis statements due next class.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Class Minutes- November 12

Today we began the class with a prayer, consisting of a video made by the writing 12 class. We then had a quiz on short story terms, which came from the Google Doc. We marked the quizes in class. Then Mrs.Wall handed out a story entitled "The Japanese Quince", which we read and answered questions on. For our "ticket out the door" we wrote a compare and contrast thesis based on "The Lottery" and "The Japanese Quince". The only homework that was assigned was to read "The Painted Door", from our short story books.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Classroom Minutes

Today we started class with a prayer. After prayer we discussed an advantage of joining a summer course that can give kids entering grade 12, 3 credits towards university. Mrs. Wall then took attendance in her happy-go lucky mood. We began finishing our paragraph's on symbolism from the short story, "The Lottery". We went over how to join the blog again. After that we got a new project. We have to draw a tattoo that we think represents who we are and write about the symbolism of that tattoo.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 9, 2009 Class Summary

In today's class we started by finishing our, "the Lottery" Symbolism paragraphs. If you haven't done this you need to finish it at lunch. Next we went over how you need a G-mail account or you will start losing marks. Finally we started a new assignment.

New Assignment.

-First you have to draw a tattoo using symbols to describe your personality.
-Next you have to write an approx. 150 word non theme based paragraph describing how the symbols in the tattoo represent you.
-Ms. Wall recommends that you draw the picture on a separate piece of paper and then glue your picture on after you've printed your paragraph out as to avoid confusion. (such as ruining your picture by printing the paragraph upside down or over your picture by accident.)

-Due Thursday

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Classroom Summary

Summary of Nov. 5th/09 Day :1-2

In class this day we started out with a prayer. Then we discussed our GMail accounts, which everyone should have made by now, if not that is very important. Using our GMail accounts Mrs.Wall sent us a definition worksheet, which we all need to contribute to. In class, Mrs.Wall assigned us each a word, which we needed to have found the definition of and added it to the google docs. Next we received a notes worksheet on which we took notes from the board. This sheet can be accessed on moodle, and the notes you will have to get from a friend or fellow classmate. Then we were handed back a lot of work, which he organized into our portfolios. We got handed back:
- Lord of the flies acrostic
- scantron form previous test
- questions on the Lord of the flies movie
- questions on tradition
- beasts worksheet
- Golding vs. Yeats thesis statement
- Quiz on chap. 10 and 11

We then spent the rest of the class writing a paragraph on how symbolism reveals theme, in the lottery.

Classroom Minutes for Nov. 5th 2009

English 11
Block 1-4

Today in class we talked about how to get a g-mail account. You should set one up as soon as possible if you do not already have one and to follow the blog, Euphonious 11. You can access it through moodle. You will need to have done this by Monday. The people in the class that already had a g-mail account were assigned a short story term to do online. As well, during class we were given a note template for the short story "The Lottery", which was what we read last day. We filled it out during class with the notes on the smart board. We did not have to write down the symbols since we already were given notes on them. Also, we updated out portfolio with work that was handed back. We also started writing a paragraph on the symbols within the short story "The Lottery" which we will continue writing next class.