Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Class Minutes

Today we started with prayer. Then Mrs. Wall gave us 10 minutes to finish our theme posters that we started last class. After, together as a class we made a list of 12 subjects that we covered in the short stories. We split the list into two groups of six. Then Mrs. Wall told us about our photostory project. She showed us an example of a loyalty photostory. We then went over the criteria for our photostory's. The project will be in groups of 2-3, and it will be due on Wednesday December 9th. We were also told that we have a unit test on short stories. We were told to study the short story templates. The test will be on Monday December 7th. After that each group rolled a dice to find out what sudject we could be doing our photostory on. Then Mrs. Wall gave us a Multi-Paragraph that we started and will be finishing next class. The multi can be on any of the 12 subjects that we discussed.

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