Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Class Minutes, Wed. Feb. 3rd

We had a very busy day today.
1. We were assigned words to define on the Grade 11 Poetry Terms to Know Google Doc., which has been sent to everyone's gmail account. The terms quiz is on Tues. Feb. 9th, so the sooner your term is defined, the better. Including an example for your term is also helpful.
2. We explicated the poem, "High Flight." We searched for devices, discussed their purpose and read a sample pargraph analysis.
3. We explicated the poem, "I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud." As a class we discussed and took notes on the purpose of the three main devices: simile, personification, and hyperbole. The draft of the paragraph analysis is due next class.
4. We looked at samples of Tom Phillip's found poetry in "A Humument" and samples of previous students' poetry. Mrs. Wall handed out pages from "To Kill A Mockingbird." Students were to circle words and phrases found on the page, connecting them to make a poem that is removed from the context of the novel. The poem, without illustration, is due next class, Fri. Feb. 5th.

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