Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Photostory: Personal Fulfillment

by Julianne Huff and Ruxandra Ristea

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Class Minutes

Today we started class we handed in the homework, which was the Personal Composition outlines. After we finished watching the Photostories. Next we got into our assigned groups for the Essay project. We were given our essay genre and went over some ways to teach our type of essay. The project will be due after the break.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dec 11 - Class Minutes

For the start of class, Mrs.Wall opened with a prayer stating that "precious things in life can not be bought". Next, she brought up the PC Writing style, and elaborated on what we will be doing. We were handed out a booklet, "Literacy: Development and Teaching Strategies". This booklet has assesement methods and activities described in it. For a 'Before Reading Activity', Mrs.Wall handed out a sheet with a T-chart on Personal Essay vs. Transactive Writing. We had to spend about 5 mins to fill out the Tchart on our own. We were then showed the information to write down in the Tchart on the Smartboard. Our next activity was a group activity. Each group was given an article (ex: "Tomorrow will be a better day"), and each of us looked for Retorical Devices, and the authors purpose. Later, Mrs.Wall gave us a handout on Personal Composition/Guiding Information. This handout is to help us when writing our essays. Lastly, as our 'After Reading Activity', we were given an Essay Outline. If we didn't get it finished, it is for homework.
To end the class we watched a reflection video on 'Selfishness' by Katrina and Ashleigh.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 9th Class Minutes

We presented out photostories to the class, introducing them with a brief introduction to the topic, theme, and music selection. Remember to publish your work on a public domain, either on the class blog or youtube. If you chose youtube, send the html link to Mrs. Wall's email: or For those students who had trouble accessing your video today, make sure you save it as a .wmv file.

Loneliness By Willaim Bowe and Andrej Rehak

Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 3rd, Class Minutes

Completed unit summmative compare and contrat multi-paragraph composition. See Mrs. Wall outside of class time to arrange an opportunity to complete if you didn't finish during today's block.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Class Minutes

Today we started with prayer. Then Mrs. Wall gave us 10 minutes to finish our theme posters that we started last class. After, together as a class we made a list of 12 subjects that we covered in the short stories. We split the list into two groups of six. Then Mrs. Wall told us about our photostory project. She showed us an example of a loyalty photostory. We then went over the criteria for our photostory's. The project will be in groups of 2-3, and it will be due on Wednesday December 9th. We were also told that we have a unit test on short stories. We were told to study the short story templates. The test will be on Monday December 7th. After that each group rolled a dice to find out what sudject we could be doing our photostory on. Then Mrs. Wall gave us a Multi-Paragraph that we started and will be finishing next class. The multi can be on any of the 12 subjects that we discussed.