Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Class Minutes, Tues. Jan. 19th

Last class before midyear exam. Mrs. Wall handed back PCs with feedback and discussed common areas of weakness. For example the body paragraph topic sentences didn't often include a mention of the theme. She photocopied and distributed a sample of a student writen 6/6 paper, pointing out the specific evidence and incorporation of rhetorical devices. Students completed a formative "traffic light self-assessment" to aid in studying for the exam. Amoung other things, it forced students to try to predict the sight passages that will be on the exam. Finally, students were given a booklet of key sight passages from the novel, Lord of the Flies. To practice for the exam, write a thesis statement for each sight passage. Finally, students handed in their essay lesson reflections.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Class Minutes, Monday January 11

In class, we received the midterm exam outline, and read over it with Mrs. Wall. We also received a worksheet on Lord Of The Flies themes, to help us in preparation for the midterm. Two groups presented their essay presentations, and we read essays in the book.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Class Minutes, Fri. Jan. 15th

Today in class, we were given a study sheet on important quotes from Lord of the Flies. We were given a sample personal essay on the prompt: the way you act in a crisis shows who you really are. Then, we wrote an in-class essay on the prompt: people learn from their mistakes.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Class Minutes, Wed. Jan. 13th

Today, two more groups presented their essay lessons. Everyone's chart and reflection is due on Tues. Jan. 19th. Tuesday is also the last day for any make up or re-do assignments before the report card. Mrs. Wall gave the class a card game review for Lord of the Flies. Each card in a deck of cards has a relevant question attached to it. This is good review of the midyear. Finally, work was handed back, portfolios updated, and marks posted.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

English Minutes, Thursday January 7th

Today we were presenting our assigned essay styles. Group three went first, with their topic being narrative essays. They started out by handing out T-charts comparing short stories and narrative essays. After, we all read the ironic essay, "Man, You're a Great Player!". After Group three, Group six was selected to present on Descriptive Essays. They read aloud an essay called, "The Suitcase Lady", about a homeless lady who strived to succeed. Near the end of class, We were handed out an essay personal composition outline by Mrs. Wall, which we will look into more next class.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

English Milnutes: Tuesday, January 5th

English Minutes
Toady in English, we started class off with a prayer about a man on deathrow. We were then given a paragraph on a handout titled "Democracy" by E.B. White. We then scanned through the paragraph looking for metaphors. We took out a piece of paper and numbered it from 1-15. On the first line we wrote the metaphor, "it is the line that forms on the right", and on the second line we wrote "is the don't in shove." These Two metaphors symbolize democracy and suggest order and rule. The third metaphor: "stuffedshirt" symbolizing the high class and arrogant people in society, it isn't perfect or all powerful. On the fourth line we wrote "sawdust". This symbolizes a democratic idea, slowly trickling through the government to the people. The fifth metaphor was: "the dent in the high hat", meaning that those in authority have flaws, and so government and democracy which are both straight and stable, have flaws as well. For the sixth metaphor we wrote; "Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time." The seventh metaphor: "The feeling of communion in the libraries", meaning that education is at its core. On the eighth line we wrote "the feeling of vitality everywhere" symblozing that one can be full of life, enthusiastic and full of spirit. For the ninth metaphor we wrote; "Democracy is a letter to the editor", meaning that we are entitled to our own opinion and that everyone has their own voice. The tenth metaphor was: "Democracy is the score at the beginning of the ninth". The eleventh metaphor: "It is an idea which hasn't been disaproved yet", the twelevth :"a song the words of which have not gone bad". This two metaphors basically mean that since nothing has gone wrong so far, it doesnt really matter. The thirteenth and fourteenth metaphors are: "it's the mustard on the hot dog" and "the cream in the rationed coffee", meaning that these things make life better. The last metaphor, number fifteen;"Democracy is a request from a War Board, in the middle of a morning in the middle of a war, wanting to know what democracy is."We then took about 25 minutes to write our own paragraph using the rhetorical device of a metaphor based on an emotion or idea. There had to be a minimum of 10 metaphors for full marks. Worth 16 marks.For the last 10-15 minutes of class we got together with our presentation groups to put the finishing touches on our presentation because we begin presenting next class.